Year of establishment - 2002
Government Degree College Boys Baramulla is an institution of excellence, recognized for the academic caliber and versatility of its educational programme in Kashmir Valley. The Department of sociology with its excellent faculty and curriculum contributes to this excellence. The department is mandated to pursue teaching and inculcate research interest among the students in social sciences. The department regards knowledge of Sociology as a core value to human development. Inspired by the vision and values, this department offers a wide range of courses to the students, runs vibrant skill programs, and contributes to expanding the frontiers of knowledge in Sociology.
The Department of Sociology came into existence in the year 2002 as a part of college’s broader vision to periodically update its academic programmes in order to respond to ever increasing challenges of changing society. The Department of Sociology is uniquely placed to make a significant contribution to the education, both because of the students’ nurture in the Department and by virtue of natural location of the college campus. The hiring of a significant number of good faculty members in recent years that reflected and added to the Department's historical strengths and has already allowed it to raise its profile further within and outside the college campus. Indeed, the Department is already seen as having a wide range of exciting skill activities, drawing on the multiple disciplines represented in the Department in a way that does not necessarily hew to tradition but is open to new approaches that reflect the evolving nature of many disciplines. It also promotes and supports multidisciplinary work of the kind that is possible only when creative faculty from various disciplines of social science are in close locational and intellectual proximity. The Department of Sociology has particularly close connections with politics, psychology, anthropology, Sociology, history, and most recently, criminology. While sociology has always existed within an interdisciplinary context, it has also maintained a distinctive profile as a separate subject of excellence for outstanding work in social theory and empirical sociological outreach. The Department currently has 3 faculty members, teaching the broad disciplinary lines of Sociology. They represent a rather eclectic grouping, with innovative explorations that often go well beyond the discipline and contribute to the redefining of the discipline.
❖ Continue to build on our history and recent evolution, and, through careful and strategic growth,
❖ Develop an academic entity that is seen as being on the vanguard of education and training in the sociology, that helps make better critical thinkers and brightest young minds,
❖ Contribute to the transformation of GDC Boys Baramulla into a 21st - Century science and engineering education institution.
Courses Offered
Presently the department is offering Sociology as one of the subjects in B.A programme.
Intake Capacity
The department has currently enrolled more than 850 students in its BA programme. The admission to the BA programme Sociology is on merit basis. The total intake capacity of BA first semester is 250.
Faculty Members
1. Ms. Shaista Qayum 2. Dr. Hilal Ahmad (Academic Arrangement 2021) 3. Dr. Aijaz (Academic Arrangement 2021)
Statement of Good Practice
It is the aim of the Department of Sociology to enable all students to participate in the academic and social life of the College and University to the fullest possible extent, regardless of disability. To achieve this Department relies on the advice of the College and University.
The Department will make every effort to ensure accessibility to the physical environment of the College and to facilities and equipment, such as computers and library resources, for individual students if they make their needs known. The main floor of the Department is accessible to wheelchair users, and staff are available during opening hours to fetch books from other areas which cannot be made accessible. The Faculty of Social Science building itself, including offices, is accessible by firm stairs to all floors. Besides the lecture theaters are easily accessible by sign boards.
The Department will make every effort to provide information in a medium suitable for each individual. The Department has a web-page as a sub url domain of the college website for publicizing programme and general information which also appears in print on all the notice boards of the college and local dailies.
The Department will ensure that admissions procedures in the Department are equitable. This is achieved by accessible information and clear entry criteria, placing emphasis on academic achievement and other objective testing, but also taking note of references which indicate specific disabilityrelated reasons for under-performance, and allowing discretion. Two admissions officers at least are involved in the assessment of any individual application. The undergraduate admissions are on the basis of first come first serve and as per the merit scored by the applicant at intermediate level.
Special Provision
The Department does not solicit information about specific support needed due to financially able students at the time of application, but relies on the applicant to ask for this if necessary, at the appropriate time prior to application. It will then make every effort to meet specific needs, in cooperation with college.
Induction and Training
Department teaching staff receives awareness through induction and training provided by information circulated within the College. Induction stresses the importance of clear communication of practical needs to the staff involved, as well as the central resources available to provide advice and help.
Support and Reporting Procedures
Help in the Department of Sociology:
▪ If you want to speak to someone in the Department about some concerns or as a first contact point, contact Ms. Shaista Qayum ▪ (email:
Help in the College:
▪ The University provides support and has formal and informal procedures for reporting incidents for students and staff. o College's support and procedures for Staff/Student complaints:
Research in the Department
The Department currently offers no Research Programme.
Seminars This Week
For more information about Subject Seminars please contact Due to COVID-19 Seminars will be taking place online. There are currently no Seminars scheduled.
1. Social Awareness cum Workshop on “Impact of COVID on Social Life and Mental Health of an Individual.” Dated: 21 Dec. 2021.
Glimpses of the Workshop
Upcoming Events
Postal Address :
General Enquiries :
For all general enquiries regarding sociology please e-mail Contacting a member of staff To contact individual members of staff, please view their details through the department section of the College website.
Admissions Enquiries
Website enquiries of the Department Section
Webmaster: (If you have noticed errors on the department section of the website, or are having a problem accessing something, please let us know)
Department News: (If you have a news story that you think the Department should feature on the website, please send us the details)
Travel information : For travel information and directions to the Department of Sociology, see the College website.
Contact Details
Courses Offered - B.A
Duration - 3 Years
Intake Capacity - ##