*** Notification Regarding BG 1st Semester Backlog Form ***
DATE :22-01-2025
*** Notification Regarding BG 3rd Semester Backlog Form ***
DATE :22-01-2025
*** It is for the information of students of UG 2nd semester regular and backlog who have applied for xerox copy of their answer scripts that they shall collect the same from the office of the controller examination tomorrow i.e; 11-01-2025. It is important to bring admit card and the fee receipt for collection of xerox copy. ***
DATE :10-01-2025
*** Meeting of Appellant Committee constituted for discussing the unfair means cases for the 5th semester Batch 2022/Session Dec-2025, ***
DATE :07-01-2025
*** Datesheet for BG 1st Semester Regular Batch 2024 and Backlog batch 2022/2023 ***
DATE :01-01-2025
*** Datesheet for BG 3rd Semester Regular Batch 2023 and Backlog batch 2022 ***
DATE :01-01-2025
*** Due to inclement weather the examination of BG 5th semester (Batch 2022 and session, December-2024) for the papers scheduled on 28th December, 2024 is postponed and rescheduled on 1st of January. 2025. ***
DATE :27-12-2024
*** Revaluation result of BG 4th semester batch 2022 session July 2024 ***
DATE :26-12-2024
*** Notification regarding Reevaluation/ Rechecking/Xerox of BG 2nd Semester***
DATE :23-12-2024
*** Result of B.G 2nd Semester Regular Batch 2023 and Backlog Batch 2022 is available on Student's Dashboards***
DATE :15-12-2024
*** Rescheduling of MCVC1222N -video production paper ***
DATE :10-12-2024
*** Room Wise Seating Plan for OMR Based Examination***
DATE :07-12-2024
*** Center Details for BG 5th Semester Batch 2022, Session,December-2024 ***
DATE :07-12-2024
*** Datesheet for 5th Semester Batch 2022 (updated)***
DATE :05-12-2024
***Short Term Skill Training Programme***
DATE :04-12-2024
***Dashboard Login Instructions and Class Roll No Details of Students Admitted through Samarth Portal in Recent Bi-Annual Admissions***
DATE :04-12-2024
*** Room Wise Distribution of Candidates for OMR Based Test for constables( Home Depart), conducted by JKSSB, Center No K-92002***
DATE :30-11-2024
***Special Event on 3rd December 2024 by the Department of Psychology***
DATE :29-11-2024
*** Datesheet for 5th Semester Batch 2022***
DATE :27-11-2024
*** Time Table UG 1st & 5th Semester Academic Sesssion, 2024-2025 ***
DATE :09-10-2024
*** Status of Attendance 5th Semester Batch 2022, students with attendance less than required may contact the respective HoDs for compensation. ***
DATE :19-11-2024
*** No vehicle entry in college campus without driving licence ***
DATE :18-11-2024
*** Practical/Internal Exam for 5th Semester Psychology ***
DATE :17-11-2024
*** Subject Change Notice Last Date of 1st semester batch 2024 ***
DATE :12-11-2024
*** Extension in Date of Reevaluation/ Rechecking/Xerox of BG 4th Semester ***
DATE :12-11-2024
*** Cricket Match for Persons with Disabilities***
DATE :11-11-2024
*** Time Table UG 3rd Semester Academic Sesssion, 2024-2025 ***
DATE :09-10-2024
*** Result Gazette of BG 4th Semester Regular Batch 2022 ***
DATE :23-10-2024
*** Notification Regarding Prime Minster's Internship Scheme ***
DATE :22-10-2024
*** Notification Regarding Compansation of classwork for shortage cases in 1st and 3rd Semester ***
DATE :22-10-2024
*** Department of Psychology offers Coaching/Counseling for UGC-NET Exams ***
DATE :22-10-2024
*** Mental Health Day- Lecture on 21st October 2024 in Conference Hall of the College at 11:30 AM ***
DATE :18-10-2024
***Extension Date: Registration for Special Examination for 6th Seme Batch 2016-21 held in May-June-2024 ***
DATE :09-10-2024
*** Dash Board and Login Instructions UG 1st Semester Sesssion, 2024-2025 ***
DATE :30-09-2024
*** Roll No and Department Details UG 1st Semester Sesssion, 2024-2025 ***
DATE :30-09-2024
*** NOtice for Enrolling in Drama Club- Department of English ***
DATE :24-09-2024
*** Notification Regrading Commencement of Psychology PG 1st Semester classes ***
DATE :14-09-2024
*** Notification for completion of Boys's Hostel Accomodation formalities ***
DATE :14-09-2024
***Induction Meet Notice for 1st Semester Academic Session 2024-25 ***
DATE :09-09-2024
*** On SPOT Admission Notice for 1st Semester Academic Session 2024-25 ***
DATE :09-09-2024
*** Admission Notification for BG 3rd Semester Batch 2023 ***
DATE :10-09-2024
*** Notification regarding class work for BG 1st Semester Batch 2024 ***
DATE :10-09-2024
*** Admission Notice and Non-CUET Merit List Round-2 ***
DATE :09-09-2024
*** Celebration of World Sucide Prevention Day on 10th September 2024 at 11:00 am. ***
DATE :09-09-2024
*** Revised examination of the students of Statistics Multi-Disciplinary Course on September 18th 2024 at 01:45 pm. ***
DATE :07-09-2024
*** Notification regarding late fee for admission to BG 5th and 6th semester ***
DATE :06-09-2024
*** Admission Notice and Non-CUET Merit List Round-1 ***
DATE :05-09-2024
*** Notification regrading meeting of Unfair Means Case Committee ***
DATE :04-09-2024
*** Addendum to the Supplementary Date sheet fort 2nd Semester (Batch-2023) ***
DATE :02-09-2024
*** Admission Notice for Semester-1 Batch 2024-25 ***
DATE :31-08-2024
*** CUET Round 2 Merit List GDC Baramulla ***
DATE :29-08-2024
*** Result Notification of Re-evaluation of UG 1st Sem Batch 2023 and Backlog Batch 2022 session Feb-March 2024 ***
DATE :29-08-2024
*** Supplimentary datesheet for 2nd Semester ***
DATE :29-08-2024
*** PG Psychology 3rd Semester: Notification regarding commenement of Classwork ***
DATE :27-08-2024
*** Admission Notice for 5th Semester Batch 2015-2021 ***
DATE :27-08-2024
*** Financial Aid for academic session 2024-25 ***
DATE :22-08-2024
*** Students' Grievance Redressal Committe(SGRC) session 2024-25 ***
DATE :21-08-2024
*** Admission Notice for 5th/6th semester Batch 2022 for the Academic Session 2024-25 ***
DATE :19-08-2024
*** Admission Fee Structure for the Academic Session 2024-25 ***
DATE :19-08-2024
*** Admission Notice-1 for BG 1st Semester Session 2024-25 ***
DATE :14-08-2024
*** CUET Round Ist Merit List for Admissions to 2024-2025 Academic Session. ***
DATE :14-08-2024
*** Backlog BG 2nd Semester Batch 2022 Internal Examination Date extension Notice. *** .
DATE :14-08-2024
*** Datesheet for Psychology PG 4th Semester. *** .
DATE :10-08-2024
*** Center Notice/Seating Plan for BG 2nd Semester -for 10th August 2024. *** .
DATE :09-08-2024
*** Internal Exam for Backlog Batch 2022 Department of Urdu. *** .
DATE :06-08-2024
*** Andendum to 2nd Semester Regular 2023/Backlog Batch 2022 Datesheet. *** .
DATE :06-08-2024
*** Internal Notice for 2nd Semester Batch 2022 Backlog Candidates. Department of English*** .
DATE :05-08-2024
*** Course preference and College Preference option is Now available for CUET candidates. Login to your samarth account to fill preferences. Last date is 07-08-2024 *** .
DATE :01-08-2024
*** Shortage List BG 2nd Semester Batch 2023 Subject wise *** .
DATE :30-07-2024
*** Notification regarding BG 2nd Semester Backlog form submission date extention *** .
DATE :30-07-2024
*** Date Sheet for Major / Minor Course titled "Introduction to Social Psychology" for UG 2nd Semester, Batch 2023 *** .
DATE :26-07-2024
*** Internal Examination Schedule for BG 2nd Semester Biotechnology MD and Skill *** .
DATE :26-07-2024
*** Internal Examination Schedule for BG 2nd Semester Biotechnology Major/Minor *** .
DATE :26-07-2024
*** Backlog Form for 2nd Semester Batch 2022 are now available in Student Dashboard *** .
DATE :25-07-2024
*** Notice Regarding Internal Assessment Viva: Urdu Literature, 2nd Semester, Major/Minor Regular Batch 2023/Backlog Batch-2022, Paper “Classical Genres of Urdu Poetry” *** .
DATE :23-07-2024
*** Internal Assessment Schedule : AEC Urdu Language, Semester 2nd, Regular Batch 2023/Backlog Batch 2022 *** .
DATE :23-07-2024
*** Admission Notification for Academic Session 2024-25 *** .
DATE :19-07-2024
*** Datesheet for BG 2nd Semester Regular Batch 2023 and BG Semester Backlog Batch 2022 *** .
DATE :13-07-2024
*** Notification Regarding Rescheding of BG 4th Semester Batch 2022 Examination *** .
DATE :13-07-2024
*** Revised Datesheet for BG 4th Semester Regular Batch 2022 *** .
DATE :13-07-2024
*** Internal Examination for students of Sociology UG 2nd Semester Batch-2023 *** .
DATE :12-07-2024
*** Department of Psychology offers Counselling / Consultation services under its RAAHAT initiative *** .
DATE :12-07-2024
*** Date Sheet for Skill Enhancement Course titled "Psychological First Aid-II" for UG 2nd Semester, Batch 2023*** .
DATE :11-07-2024
***Date Sheet for Multi-Disciplinary Course titled "Introducing Psychology" for UG 2nd Semester, Batch 2023*** .
DATE :11-07-2024
*** Addendum to 4th Semester Datesheet for Batch 2022, Session July 2024*** .
DATE :10-07-2024
*** Notice regarding Internal Assessment in English Communication Skills, Regular Batch 2023*** .
DATE :07-07-2024
*** Room Arrangement for 4th Sem Examination on 8th July 2024*** .
DATE :06-07-2024
*** Resheduling of COMC1422M2 on 19-July -2024*** .
DATE :06-07-2024
*** List of Students with Shortage in Attendance (Paper wise) 4th Sem Batch 2022*** .
DATE :05-07-2024
*** Engagement Order of JRF in water Management Department*** .
DATE :02-07-2024
*** Date Sheet for Open Elective Course for PG 4th Semester Students of Batch 2022*** .
DATE :02-07-2024
*** Date Sheet for BG 4th Semester Regular Batch 2022*** .
DATE :01-07-2024
*** Appointment / Engagement of Field Investigator in ICSSR sponsored Major Research Project*** .
DATE :26-06-2024
*** Appointment / Engagement of Research Assistant in ICSSR sponsored Major Research Project*** .
DATE :26-06-2024
*** Innovation, Incubation and Entreprenuership Alert! *** .
DATE :25-06-2024
*** Revised tentative Date Sheet for BG 4th Semester Regular Batch 2022*** .
DATE :21-06-2024
*** Interview Notice for JRF Position in Water Management (SERB/DST Project)*** .
DATE :12-06-2024
*** Revised Date Sheet (SKILL Courses) 5th Semester Batch 2016-21*** .
DATE :12-06-2024
*** Revised Date Sheet (SKILL Courses) 4th Semester Batch 2016-21*** .
DATE :12-06-2024
*** Revised Date Sheet (SKILL Courses) 3rd Semester Batch 2016-21*** .
DATE :12-06-2024
*** Tentative Date Sheet for BG 4th Semester Regular Batch 2022*** .
DATE :10-06-2024
*** Interview / Interaction Schedule for Field Investigator and Research Assistant positions in ICSSR sponsored Major Research Project*** .
DATE :08-06-2024
*** Result Notification of Re-evaulation UG 3rd Semester Batch 2022*** .
DATE :07-06-2024
*** Kashmir University Center Change Notice for Kashmir University Exams schedule on 3rd and 4th , june 2024*** .
DATE :31-05-2024
*** Notice Regardig movement in wake of Strong Room /Counting Center in the college campus*** .
DATE :21-05-2024
*** Applications are invited for JRF position in Water Management Department*** .
DATE :17-05-2024
*** Mandatory Attendance Notice to PG Psychology Students of 2nd and 4th Semesters*** .
DATE :11-05-2024
*** External Exam in Physics for Backlog 1st to 6th semester on 24th May 2024*** .
DATE :09-05-2024
*** Advertisement for Engagement of Research Assistant and Field Investigator in ICSSR sponsored Major Research Project*** .
DATE :09-05-2024
*** Application Form for the engagement of Research Assistant and Field Investigator in ICSSR sponsored Major Research Project (PDF format) *** .
DATE :09-05-2024
*** Application Form for the engagement of Research Assistant and Field Investigator in ICSSR sponsored Major Research Project (Word Format)*** .
DATE :04-05-2024
*** Order Regarding Marking of attendance at 10:00 AM *** .
DATE :04-05-2024
*** Skill Course Examination for BG 6th Semester Regular and Backlog on 4th May 2023*** .
DATE :01-05-2024
*** Interview Notice for JRF position in Water Management *** .
DATE :26-04-2024
*** The Skill course Examination scheduled on 27th April 2024 stands postponed due to unavaliability of Admit Cards. New schedule will updated shortly *** .
DATE :25-04-2024
*** Notice 6th Semester Internal Assessment, Department of Sociology ***DATE :17-04-2024
*** Notice 6th Semester Internal Assessment, Department of English ***DATE :16-04-2024
*** Re-evaluation/Xerox form available for BG 3rd Semester (Batch-2022): Last Date for submission: Xerox: 18th April, 2024; Re-evaluation: 20th April, 2024 *** .DATE :09-04-2024
Click here to download the form
*** Advertisement Extension Notice for 01 JRF position funded by SERB DST *** .DATE :08-04-2024
*** Notice for JRF position in Environmental Science/ Water Management for Two Years *** .DATE :23-03-2024
*** Centre Notice and Seating Plan for BG 1st semester MD FST and ELT Regular Batch 2023 and Backlog Batch 2022 *** .DATE :23-03-2024
*** Re-evaluation result of BG 2nd Semester Batch 2022 *** .DATE :22-03-2024
*** Re-examination for Backlog MD - Electronics on 26-03-2024 *** .DATE :22-03-2024